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  • Brandie Orr

Let's Talk About Social Media and Relationships

Updated: Oct 28, 2022

One huge topic for a lot of couples is posting each other on social media. I've had my fair share of boyfriends who absolutely sucked at it or just refused to do it. Typically, I find that boyfriends are less likely to post much compared to girlfriends and if you and your significant other have found that perfect balance, I applaud you.

My last relationship was terrible from the beginning and why I let it continue for almost 2 years, I will never understand. Anytime I even brought up the thought of him posting about me because it felt like he was hiding me or embarrassed of me, I got scolded for being annoying and stupid. He posted about other things frequently so his excuse of "I don't use social media like that" was absolute bullsh*t. Another thing I am less than proud of is that he had a picture of him and his ex on his Instagram feed for close to a year and when he finally deleted it, he still didn't post about me. I was a joke. I felt stupid and trapped and I am very thankful I got out of that relationship. Trust me, social media was not the reason it ended, he was overall a terrible rude human being, to me and to strangers. But let's stay on topic.

So why is it that social media is so important to most of us? I truly don't know the 'right' answer, but I know for me, it gives me butterflies when I see my current boyfriend post a Instagram story of us. I think to myself, "he is proud to call me his girlfriend", and I should feel like that all the time; and I do mostly. The thing is, if social media was nonexistent, this constant feeling of not being good enough maybe would be a little less constant.

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