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  • Brandie Orr

Affirmations to Read Daily

Affirmations are an amazing tool people use to practice positive thinking and self-empowerment. Today I wanted to take two minutes of your time to go over some of my favorite affirmations you can read every day or when you feel like you need some extra positivity in your life.

  • I am loved

  • My body is my temple

  • I am beautiful

  • My soul is filled with love

  • I have survived things I never thought I would move past

  • I am strong and can get through anything

  • I am not a failure, I am human and we all make mistakes - learn from them

  • I push away negative thoughts and pull in positive thoughts

  • It's okay to not feel okay all of the time

  • I allow my life to guide me effortlessly with every choice I make

  • I am worthy of love

  • I am full of courage and drive

  • Life is full of ups and downs and so am I

  • I am patient, my future is full of opportunities

  • I believe in myself and my dreams

Now breathe in... breathe out... remember, life happens so fast and will flash right by if you don't remember to take a break from all of the chaos and breathe. Remind yourself daily that you are loved and the universe is bigger than you can even fathom. Life will hurt you and love you but that is the beauty of it.

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