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even though the skies have been grey

you make me feel warm

laying in your arms

or a thousand miles away

you are my sunshine

that never fades

your skin on mine
that sparkle in your eyes
you make me feel like sunshine
every day
and every night
could our love be so 
I hope you never stop
being my candle light

I think I'm in love

deeper than the ocean floor

more than all the stars

in every universe

I feel at home

when you hold me tight

and after you kiss me

our eyes meet

shining bright


we are each others 

candle light

our hands intertwined

you give me a billion

fluttering butterflies

every time your eyes lock with mine

I get a glimpse of this love

that feels so divine

maybe I end up yours

and you could be mine

I'll love you forever

we could age like fine wine

and when faced with darkness

we could be each others light

I will always be a wildflower
hidden throughout the fields of the world
always ready to grow
wherever I may go
I will never be
your common pretty rose

the freckles across her chest

remind me of contellations

of the night sky

how darkness too

has its own beauty

oh but when the sun rises

her eyes sparkle

between green and blue

and the light in her soul

burns words onto paper

how marvelous it is

being lost


I find beauty
in the broken shells
scattered across the sandy shore
the waves softly begin to roar
while the sun warms the water
and kisses my skin
this is where I find peace

pure bliss


the lights turn to triangles

then octagons

and all the sounds

come to life

forgetting every detail

of the outside world

and spiraling 

into the night

You have taught me
how to 
love so patiently
your eyes warm my soul
while your smile melts my heart
even when you're 
across the room
laughing with friends
or at the tv
your love 
never fails to amaze me


as I stumble through the dark

I search for the stars

and your soul guides me

to your heart

where I find

the most beautiful galaxies

that hug me tight

and welcome me home

some nights my mind goes numb
and my soul evaporates
right into the air you breathe
I wonder if you can feel my pain
all the hate I have
for myself at times
or if the love in my heart
is stronger
than the oxygen in your lungs
when you awake


I want to dive into your mind
and find my way
through all of its twists and turns
float around in your heart
and love you softly
show me your darkness
and I will share with you mine
we could bring out the light in each others souls
and shine so bright

your lips,

i can't wait 

till they meet mine

and our eyes lock

while our souls intertwine

my heart isn't a place to visit

it's a place to call home

a place to feel safe

to find love in my soul

the way your smile

shines so bright

reminds me of the sunrise

but like the sun

my soul sets fire

when your lips


our souls
have intertwined
our love has grown
to be so divine

It's overwhelming at times
how pure our love is
how we 
don't argue or hate
how we simply
just communicate

I love you
in ways
I don't quite understand

some days are better than others

most days I feel happy

but more often than not

as night falls

and the stars appear

my mind starts exploring

all the things that I fear

will I ever find that one true love

or will I find my way to the ocean

and disappear

I know a place
where we can go
and fall in love
near the calmness
of the ocean
and under the warmth
of the sun
a place
where all our worries
of the world
seem to fade
and our souls embark
spiraling together
like DNA
and as the sun sets
the stars begin to play
we see a glimpse 
of our future
our souls intertwined
through night
and day

when faced with darkness

we could be

each others light

and although some love

come and goes

and it may not last a lifetime

I'd still love 

to give it a try

and enjoy the simpler things in life

like seeing the sun 

shining so bright

and soaking in the moonlight

I'd walk beside you

into the darkness

of the night

I am thankful
for the sun
and the moon
for the clouds
and the stars
for the universe
showing me light
no matter the time
or day
she protects me

when death greets you

at the doorstep

I promise to guide you

through the night

away from the darkness

and towards the light

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